Free resources from our global L&D, commercial, leadership and sales experts.

The sales pitch - what NOT to do!

Virtual communication - making it interactive

Engaging executives

A story about telling stories

Unleash Your Leadership Potential: The Path to Becoming an Inspirational Leader
Becoming an inspirational leader and understanding and applying the behaviours in your role, every day, will make a big impact on your business.
Leadership is a mystery to many, and too difficult to access and apply, because is it just that…a mystery. However, it is an important skill. It is also true that poor leadership causes so much angst in our society - from our politicians to our CEOs, our middle managers to our teachers, and so many more - surely we can think of it in simple terms, and help the ‘everyday leader’ succeed? Most of us are ‘everyday leaders’ – only a few of you will have saved the world, launched a multi-billion-dollar company, led the masses into battle, or created and led a political movement. However, we can all learn to be great leaders.

How to implement a successful blended learning approach for adult learners
Learning in an adult world is not like being at school. Adults have busy lives, plenty of existing experience in their role, and often an expectation that they're "done" with learning new things. How can we create a successful blended learning approach for adult learners?

70-20-10, that old chestnut
With no line manager support, it is highly likely old habits will slowly creep back after any learning intervention.
Here are my top 10 tips to help support others.

Virtual communication: Connecting quickly with your virtual audience: Part 3
In our COVID 19 world virtual communications have never been more important than right now. This could be informally with friends and family, or increasingly, in our business context. What is certain, when we return to ‘normal’, it will not be the ‘normal’ that we were used to. The seismic shock that we are experiencing will shape the future. It will never be the same again.

If a job’s worth doing…I'll do it myself
Heard it before? Said it yourself? Hmmmm….so what is the impact of this? In my experience, this leads to our teams becoming de-motivated, outcomes being compromised, and us becoming frazzled.